
United – Caring For Our Loved Ones Living with Dementia by Gina Awad and Tony Husband Available NOW

Bishop Nick, Bishop of Plymouth hosted a dementia briefing in Exeter for local clergy and lay ministers for Dementia Awareness Week 2016.

Bishop Nick said: “I am delighted that churches in Exeter are part of the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance. This is a great example of a community working together to become dementia-friendly.”


CAPTION: Gina Awad of Exeter Dementia Action Alliance presents Bishop Nick with a Dementia Friends badge. Photo: Revd Nick Shutt

Gina Awad, Dementia Champion and local campaigner for Exeter Dementia Action Alliance, said: “We would like churches across Devon to become Dementia Friends and join their local alliance. This will offer invaluable understanding and partnerships.”