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EDAA attend EMG Symphony Orchestra’s 50th Anniversary

On Friday 3rd November, the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance (EDAA) were invited to be a part of the EMG Symphony Orchestra’s 50th Anniversary as their selected community group for the retiring collection.

Gina Awad from EDAA says “What an honour and what a night, nothing short of phenomenal. The setting of our magnificent Cathedral in all its glory”.

Gina continues explaining “the Musical direction by Leo Geyer was admirable and this needed to be conveyed directly. His humble response was exactly what I would have expected. Such raw, young talent but a character oozing passion with a desire to learn and grow in his field. The entire orchestra and choir were so well connected musically it was indescribable. Exeter is both worthy and lucky to have such talent”.

“The original Exeter Music Group was founded in 1967 and since that time has grown to the full-scale symphony orchestra that exists today.

The EMG Symphony Orchestra provide musicians with the opportunity to perform a wide variety of repertoire and to working with talented soloists, local choirs and a professional conductor“.

Many of us are acutely aware of the impact of the arts and music and how they link offering a profound and transformative impact to people living with dementia.

On behalf of the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance Gina says “we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the EMG Symphony orchestra. £670 was raised from the retiring collection but what stands out is the elevated awareness with an audience of 450. Many inspirational responses were received”.

We wish EMG all the success in the world for the next 50 years.

Exeter Symphony Orchestra’s 50th Anniversary

EMG Symphony Orchestra’s 50th Anniversary

For further information for EMG http://www.emgsymphonyorchestra.org/