
United – Caring For Our Loved Ones Living with Dementia by Gina Awad and Tony Husband Available NOW

Exeter Medical Society (Exeter MEDSOC) support for EDAA

Exeter Medical Society (Exeter Medsoc) is a student led society at the University of Exeter, that support medical students in the first three years of university. As a society they like to support local charities/community groups to give back to help the community. This year they chose to support the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance as one of their two choices for the great work they do raising awareness and educating the community. It’s a real privilege to raise money to help this active community group” says Oliver Thorns, Publicity Secretary for Exeter Medical Society 

Exeter Dementia Action Alliance are sincerely grateful to the Medical Society’s student support over the past year. They have raised £288 towards our ongoing work in Exeter. Every bit of support adds to our city wide awareness and helps to transform people’s perceptions of dementia”. says Gina Awad.